Freshie Tuesday

One thing we do around here is make a lot of Batch 15 IPA. I think some have a love/hate relationship with that beer. I, for one, can go from loving it one day, to despising it the next. It’s because I spend so much time with it. I’m admittedly a perfectionist, more for worse than better I suspect. Due to that, I can never leave that beer alone. I want it to be perfect. Depending on the day I could think it’s damn close or far from it. Honestly though, I doubt I’ll ever actually think any beer I make is perfect. But that’s a tangent we won’t get into now.

The point of this discussion is to talk about the frequency of production and the slight changes we make to the recipe each week.

Every Tuesday we package a fresh batch of Batch 15. We have been fortunate enough to see a high demand for that beer. As we get to make this beer every week, sometimes several times a week, we take the opportunity to make slight adjustments to the recipe (I will always be in pursuit of making the perfect IPA). Even if this is a “flagship”, we don’t shy away from making improvements. As a team we get to analyze these improvements each week. It’s fun. But the more I have sat here and drank fresh, new iterations of this beer, the more I’m asking myself, “why the hell are we not telling our customers about this?!” So here we are. We want everyone to know that this is a beer that we love, it’s on tap all the time, but it also changes slightly, week to week. And that is intentional. We are also able to offer it in its intended form, very fresh.

As a side note, I genuinely get disappointed when I see ANY breweries beer getting carelessly mishandled after leaving the brewery. It’s not fair to the brewer who gives a sh*t about the product they work so hard to create. Fresh beer matters, a lot! Even if it’s not super fresh, at least have the respect to keep it cold, damn! But this is another tangent and I’m getting distracted again.

The point here is that we are releasing a new batch to our draft and can supply for the brewery every week, on Tuesday. This means that showing up and snagging a 6-pack when we open at 11AM on Tuesday, means your beer is a matter of hours old. You can also be guaranteed that the beer you just bought is at worst, a week old (if bought the following Monday). We are not going to join the ranks of breweries turning out stickered 16 oz silvers, our can releases happen in a different way. Fresh Batch 15, released to our taproom every Tuesday from here on out. If there is stock from the previous week, we replace it with the new inventory. Our taps will change over as well. The draft you are drinking will match up with the cans we are selling.

Learn the nuances from week to week and embrace the change. If you like last week’s batch better, let us know. Either way, cheers to fresh beer!