Sustainability Report: Plastic Film


A message from Sales Rep and Sustainability Director Ian Lucas:

Plastic is practically impossible to avoid. Almost everything from the meat on our burgers to a pallet of grain comes to us wrapped in some form of plastic film. It makes up about 12% of all plastic in the waste stream. It’s easily recycled but for some reason seems to go under the radar, ending up in the trash. Humans have dumped about 4.39 million tons of plastic film into landfills.

Plastic film doesn’t belong in the regular recycling bin and it isn’t part of the standard recycling program for most utilities. With this in mind Aslan recently started a recycling program for all our plastic film. We quickly realized just how much our lives are wrapped up in plastic (news anchor pun). Pictured above is 3 weeks worth of plastic film waste from Aslan!

Pro Tip: For businesses pickup from SSC is $20 for a 2 yard container! You can also take your recycling to the next level at home a drop off 30 gallons (that’s a lot) for $5 at 1001 Roeder Avenue.

Random Plastic Facts-

- Humans produce about 300 million tons of plastic a year, about 10% is recycled.  

- Plastic takes 400-500 Years to degrade.

- 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic has been manufactured since the 1950s, and 6.3 billion metric tons has become plastic waste. That’s only a 9% recycle rate. 

- 8 million metric tons of plastic end up in the ocean every year

Cheers to sustainability!