A Virtual Thank You: Celina Carros

We’d like to take a moment to spotlight a very special employee of ours– Our Events Coordinator, Celina Carros. After 5+ years with us, Celina is moving onto new adventures. She poured her heart and soul into her work here- whether that meant throwing incredible parties, organizing fundraisers, connecting with our brewpub artists, or hand-drawing every. single. chalkboard. sign. at the brewpub– Celina tackled any project or task, no matter how large (and made it look easy!)

In light of COVID-19 we have opened up this blog as a “virtual thank you card”. If you have worked with Celina in the past & would like to leave her a note– please scroll to the bottom of this page to the comments section to do so.


“Celina's magic came through her ability to create a stage for our community to be heard. She connected us with local artists, small independent businesses, and diverse nonprofits– curating experiences that made the town a little brighter. She empowered women and helped create the positive and inclusive ethos that I love to see at Aslan. I will always thank Celina for showing me what a good party looks like!”

-Jack Lamb // CEO & Owner

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“I've got to watch Celina grow as a person and develop all types of skill sets from my time here at Aslan (about 5 years). Starting off as a support staff member all the way to her most recent role as our events coordinator (and everything in between). She excelled in all roles Aslan had to offer. She has had a lot of successful busy Brew Pub shifts and coordinated both large and small events, but my favorite thing Celina did throughout her time here was how she was always looking out for co-workers. Anytime someone had an achievement in life or at work Celina was always looking for a way Aslan could show the love. Same thing with the negative stuff life tosses us, she always lent an ear to listen and good advise (wise beyond her years). I have no doubt she will continue to have success in anything she does in the future.” 

Much love to CC!”

-Matt Kelly // Brewpub GM


“My favorite memories were all of the events that went smoothly! The Schooner Zodiac sailing nights were always a treat. And obviously all of the Anniversaries, Beer Weeks, April Brew’s days, Washington Beer Festivals, and Ciao Thyme dinners. 5 years sure flew by! She did one hell of a job and helped us so much. I’m super grateful for all of her hard work and dedication. I’m excited to see what she decides to put her mind to next!“

-Boe Trosset // Director of Sales & Owner


“I didn't get to work with Celina for very long, but even before I worked for Aslan, I knew who she was because she was always buzzing around the brewery with a smile on, seemingly on a mission every time I saw her. Whether it be at an event or just day to day, Celina owned everything she did, because she did it so well.

With every event she put on, every band she booked, and every piece of art she hung in the brewery– there was a little piece of her in it because of that personal touch she was so good at leaving. When I started at Aslan, she quickly became one of my favorite people to work with as well as confide in because she was just so easy to talk to...I will miss her so much”

-Layne Carter // Local Brand and Sustainability Manager


“Celina started out as a hostess and worked her way up to Events Coordinator - all through hard work and dedication to improving her skill set. She always had a way of pulling things together around here when (especially in the early days) there was a lot of chaos to work through. Particularly with events such as our anniversary party; When everyone around her was enjoying the party, she was dedicated to making the event work and be special. That is a very selfless act. This is one of many examples that speaks to her professionalism. … She will be forever remembered for her tenacity and what she helped us achieve … I'm excited for her next adventure and all the growth she will experience from it. Cheers CC, you’re a star that will always shine brightly!”

-Frank Trosset // Head Brewer & Owner


“There are so many reasons why working with Celina was influential & an experience I am going to miss! Celina is precise, funny, highly organized, passionate and outspoken. She built a relationship with my kiddo that made me feel like having a six year old in tow at events was less of a nuisance & more of a value to every experience-- I will miss having her as an example of a fierce woman in Elsa's life. 

My favorite events we worked on together were events that benefited our community-- supporting local artists in the first Arts & Ales, the WMBC donor event last summer and my favorite, the Ladies MTB Film Night for Shifting Gears.  I value her friendship and the way she held inclusivity at the top of her priorities. 

She is smart and strange & so very capable. You know, I just really love her and the thing I am most sure of is that I cannot wait to see where in life she is going to go and what she is going to do.”

-Louise Gearhart // Community Outreach & Merch


“Oh man, where do I even start with the wonderful creature that is Celina Carros. I guess I'll just start with how thankful I am that she came into Aslan one day looking for a job. It seems so long ago that she was hosting in the restaurant. It's almost out of my memory, and maybe that's because it didn't take long for her to move into a role that she seemed destined for. Don't get me wrong, she could have thrived in any role that she wanted, but she took the Events role, and ran with it. So much so, that she defined what an administrative position could look like at Aslan. In many ways, she paved the way for the rest of us to grow into roles that had not yet existed. Her determination and self discipline, her ability to create something magical with no blueprint, gave the owners a picture of what was possible when you give someone like Celina a chance to grow. And grow she did! There is no doubt in my mind that her imagination and relentless work ethic helped put Aslan on the map. It's crazy to think about how one person can have such a huge impact on an organization, but she is one of the greatest examples that I have seen that proves just that. It was, however, her impact on me personally that I value the most. Her support, kindness, and encouragement got me through some tough times over the years. Her easy smile, irresistible giggle, and inner weirdo always made me feel like I was among my people. It's not everyday you get to work with someone so capable and fearless, and at the same time show you the strength in being vulnerable too. I will forever be grateful that I got the opportunity to work with and learn from Celina, but what I am most grateful for is that I get to call her my friend. 

Oh! And the neck massages! I'm grateful for those too ;)”

-Shanna Finnegan // Director of Human Resources


“Celina is actually the individual responsible for hiring me on to the Aslan team in 2017 and I couldn’t be more thankful. She has filled many roles in my life– from boss to mentor to friend and eventually, to coworker. She was always there to listen to my aches and pains, build me up in my triumphs, and dust me off when life knocked me down. She tackled huge projects with grace and ease, stood up for what she believed in, and truly lead by example. I owe much of my success to Celina, as she paved the way for me to do my job and always made sure I was seen. I will really miss her goofy antics, our silly accents, and honestly her true friendship.

I love you CC, and can’t wait to see what’s next!”

-Madison Studer // Marketing Intern

Thank you Celina for all of your hard work and dedication to your Aslan Family. You will be greatly missed!