Fish Have Feelings: A Celebration of One of Earth’s Most Important Life Forms


Happy belated Earth Day! At Aslan, Earth Day is one of our favorite holidays. That’s why we thought it would be special to switch things up this year and give Earth Day it’s very own community beer. Introducing, Fish Have Feelings! A west coast IPA featuring Salmon Safe malt and hops. Not only is this beer a refreshing treat for humans, but a minimal impact on our scaly friends in nearby waterways.


We’re always talking amongst ourselves about how lucky we are to live and make beer in one of the most gorgeous parts of the country. One of the perks of our location is being surrounded by amazing local farms, like Hedlin Farms providing us with world-class organic malt in Skagit Valley, or Roy Farms and their incredible hops, just east of us. 

You might be wondering, what is Salmon Safe?

On the Fish Have Feelings label, you might notice a new logo next to our usual Aslan hophead. This is a good place to start, since Salmon-Safe is an ecolabel that shows the ingredients in that specific product have been vetted to ensure farming and sourcing practices are helping to keep Pacific Salmon thriving in West Coast watersheds.

Much like the process for getting our beer to be certified organic, Salmon-Safe has a master list of certified farms that support their mission. This certification means that these farms are environmentally conscious when it comes to water use, sediment control, biodiversity conservation, pest management, and more.

Fortunately for us, those farms are suppliers for Skagit Valley Malting, and Yakima Chief Hops, from who we source a large portion of our ingredients from. For more on why Salmon Safe is import to Yakima Chief Hops, check out the great article they put together here! By purchasing this beer, you are directly supporting healthy watersheds and Salmon Safe farming practices.

While the goal is to create more demand for Salmon Safe farming, this project is just one ripple in the pond when it comes to making it more accessible and popular. We look forward to working with Salmon Safe more in the future and seeing the impact they make throughout the craft brewing industry!