2019 Sustainability Report


2019 was a busy year for Aslan! Looking back, it’s been a year of change and growth in many ways. We opened a tap room in Seattle, partnered with some truly amazing organizations, stepped up our renewable energy purchasing, and put more focus on our ingredient sourcing for the brewery and the kitchen. We are excited to present our 2nd annual sustainability report. At Aslan, we don’t believe sustainability is something you can complete. It's a nonstop process of asking how we can do better. These annual reports are the perfect way for us to set benchmarks and goals, and they provide us with the opportunity to look back so we can hold ourselves accountable and be transparent with the community supporting us.

Now that we have been tracking much of this information for 3 years, we’ve had the ability to reach a lot of the low-hanging sustainable fruit in our operation. Making the big changes (i.e., onsite water, solar, & CO2 reclamation) are all things we fantasize about, but the reality is that they are out of budget, making them out of reach for now. What we can do is get creative. This is one of the major lessons learned from 2019: setting big goals is important, but the fact is that they probably aren’t going to be reached unless we invest in small ways and budget years ahead of time. We hope you appreciate this information, and we feel honored to be brewing organic craft beer for you because it truly matters.




2018 Sustainability Report